Wednesday, June 27, 2018

3 months progress report {delayed}

Three months in and it’s kind of felt like forever ago we were in Ethiopia but also that it’s been the blink of an eye. More and more Troy and I look at each other and exclaim how we picked up a baby in Ethiopia and now we have a full blown toddler. She's growing and learning fast!
This is really starting to change and many have commented on how they can tell she understands a lot. For instance if she’s jumping on a couch or bed and you say “sit down” she will and then proceed to cry because she does not like that you told her that. {hello toddler phase} Some words she says are “up, get out, pees (please), nana, bepa (grandpa), bema (grandma), row row (start of row row row your boat), baby, all done, Bubba, mommy, dada and thank you” She can make noises like “wheee-oo and mooo”. She is a little mimic so she will do about anything everyone else in the family is doing.
Physical development
Samira is making strides in her physical development that her therapist seems to be pleased with. She will try a quick little run and her belly clearly has more muscle. She can pull herself up much better when we are working with her and you can feel some of her muscle in her stomach. Her belly size seems to be smaller too. Looking back on pictures her hair has definitely grown longer and thicker since ET. She likes to climb, jump and copy whatever we do. She has 10 teeth and finally popped another molar on top that had an abruptive cyst on it as it came through. We are still working out some pesky things with her pediatrician that has resulted in lots of trips to appointments/labs.
This is something we’re doing super well with and had a big change this month—she now sleeps in her own room! We redid the nursery and once new carpet was laid we moved her crib out of our room and the transition was perfect. She seemed right at home and didn’t make a peep. She goes to bed around 8 and usually takes a while to fall asleep but lays there quietly with her blankie and baby. Once we didn’t have to drop Harlyn off at school some days she sleeps in crazy late—one time 11, sometimes until 9 if she’s undisturbed. She takes one good nap midday and is usually out really fast. She will sleep anywhere from 1.5-3 hours typically.
Some new foods she likes are sweet potatoes, melon, oatmeal and strawberries. This sounds dumb that we didn’t notice this but around 2-3 months we realized she didn’t know how to use her silverware we were giving her. (there is plenty of hub bub at each meal—somehow this escaped our notice!) We’ve been teaching her that and she’s picking it up. A lot of things we notice this month I think were just lack of experience. For instance we are pretty sure if she wasn’t drinking a bottle or holding a cracker/chunk of bread, the nannys spoon fed her every meal. She was never allowed to grab the spoon I’m pretty sure and certainly was never given a plate of all cut up food in front of her. Once we taught her to put spoon to mouth then it’s a battle to get her to let us help her since not much actually makes it in! Yes, her opinions sure do come out! I think she’s really afraid that we are taking the spoon from her. She loves to carry around her own container or bag of snacks—don’t you dare try to take that from her or it will be a meltdown! As far as highchair behaviors we are working on stopping the throwing things off the tray intentionally and she gets it. She knows to ask politely and say amen (with sign) after we pray. When she wants to get down she says “all done” and knows she needs her hands wiped. She is not a fan of being left alone at the table while eating---one very big plus to siblings---there is usually someone around!
We don’t have any big concerns in this area—she’s really increased her affection in the last month and will give a hug or kiss if you ask her for it. That reciprocal affection seems to be happening way more. She will come to me when she has had an injury and cuddle up. When I pick her up and hold her like a baby she says “baby” with a grin. Below in the 'going out' category I talk about nursery or any separations for that matter she seems to be genuinely happy to us when we get back. (well except for grandma--she's a pretty big fan of her) Samira loves her daddy and their relationship has dramatically improved in 3 months. When he drives up or comes in the door she will holler and run to him and be so excited (often more than the other kids and one of his favorite things after work). One evening he was going to the backyard and she clearly wanted to go with him but he was standing in the grass and said "Okay, then come here". (she HATED grass since being home) She was barefoot and danced around on the cement wanting him to come to her but he didn't and after a bit she did these hilarious high steps to get to him. So, that night we knew she was kinda crazy about him to conquer her hatred of grass to get to him.
Sibling Relationships
Samira is blessed with siblings that keep her busy, entertained and always helping. Harlyn and Asher are big helps but can also be pesky to her along with Lawson. Overall her and Lawson are much improved and get a kick out of each other. Sometimes they have squabbles over toys and food of course but other times she cracks up at his antics. She will copy about anything they do and likes to do things right by them. If it weren't for them or if they're gone, she'd be at my feet constantly. They probably teach her most of what she's learned!

Going out
Samira enjoys going out and knows the drill with the carseat, etc. She never wants to be left behind so will follow us anytime we go outside and likes to be first in the car. She’s pretty good shopping and doing errands. Church is good but she doesn’t have much sit in her and we’ve started putting her in nursery! She doesn’t like me handing her over but is easily distracted and happy. A place with toys and snacks?? Sign her up. She loves anyone who has gray/white hair in nursery and I see her clinging to them happily. She is happy to see me come back and I’m happy to hear a full sermon. We do still see her thriving at home and have enjoyed entertaining under our roof where she seems to stay more relaxed. Nothing is extreme but there is still increased neediness/clinginess at unfamiliar places. It’s just not as easy carrying a conversation when you have someone demanding your attention so it’s been great to invite people to come to us and enjoyable for all. We did a weekend up north just with grandparents at their cottage and she did well in a new setting with fewer people. She had her first time at Lake Michigan last week and loved the sand and water--I think she enjoyed walking in the water with the gradual decline.

This little girl will follow around her siblings anywhere…she’s like a little duckling. She has increased the time she will get caught up playing with things and will definitely get occupied, always in the same room as the big kids. She loves going outside, playing with water and we even tried finger painting for the first time. She copies everything, even your hand position while you talk or rest. In many ways I think her personality is coming out more or she’s letting her guard down now. She used to be stoic if we tried to chase her or tickle her—now she does think it’s funny and will want to do it over and over. She actually won’t run away from me, she’ll run right at me when I’m trying to chase her. She loves the pool/swimming and especially the little kiddie pool.