Tuesday, March 19, 2019

the big ONE--1 year post adoption

I mentally made notes of things to write in a 9 month report but after two months went by I scrapped that plan and just saved it for now when it got so far past the date.  9 months home did fall around Samira's 2nd birthday so hopefully I covered it in some post. Life has been just chock full just doing our simple routines and commitments. We celebrate our "Family Day" on March 1st, the day we left the orphanage with her in custody. We reminsiced a lot about our trip, the first weeks and struggles we had. We laugh at this picture we received on our way to the airport of Miss Grumpy Pants

I still get that look when I give her broccoli to eat

We went to a fun dance and story class on March 1st that she clearly loved and I couldn't get a clear picture because she wouldn't stop moving --that day she also busted out the super cheesy smile
Wow, what a difference a year makes!

On "Family Day" we went out to our favorite local Ethiopian restaurant and shared a meal with some family. We do love the food as well as our kids. Samira knew just what to do ripping off the injera and dipping it in the stews. If it's been a while since we've eaten it I start to crave it. I hope to start learning how to make some dishes in this next year.

you eat a traditional Ethiopian feast with no plates or utensils and share a platter--rip off a piece of injera and help yourself to the stews, sauces and meats with a little pinch

The phrase that kept going through my head as one year approached I took from a kids video we recently watched and it is "Hallelujah, look what God can do!" I hope when people look at our ordinary family, adding in this girl from halfway around the world--I hope they know only God can do that. Looking at Samira's progress and the work in our own hearts....we can only say "Hallelujah, look what God can do!"

Around Christmas Samira's language increased by leaps and bounds. Having a therapist come once a week keeps us tracking progress and she noticed a big difference after Christmas break. Samira babbles nonstop like the rest of the kids and still repeats everything. She speaks in sentences and will point out more and more that she isn't repeating. If she spots something she recognizes she will point it out until I acknowledge it. One of those favorite things are babies! Recently she's said things on her own like "Where are you mommy?", asks for "chap-pip" often (chapstick) or if daddy is home. When looking at a family picture she points out all members of the family and calls Harlyn "Haryin or Ceecee", Asher she calls "Bubba" and Lawson comes out like "Saucin'". She refers to herself as "Mira". She will also yell at Alexa to try to get it to play Baby Shark. Recently we've heard her say about Lawson "he needs to wash his hands" when he was in the bathroom.

Physical Development
Samira is getting stronger every month and is making good progress physically. In one year she's gained around 5 pounds and grown about 5 inches. In the words of her doctor, she may catch Lawson in size soon. She's keeping up with the other kids better and isn't so easily tired. In physical therapy we are still working on those abdominals and now her neck muscles too. She still has a foot rolling in and she's much more unstable on her left leg. We are working on that balance and lifting one leg at a time. Her hair is long and thick and looking back on pictures I can't believe how much it's filled in. I took a picture of her in the bath today and when it is wet it goes down her back. (below)

 She might be our healthiest kid. In 365 days with us she's had one 100.2 fever and you would've never known it. She's never had a cough but has lots of runny noses. We were finally parasite free at 9 months home and that drug on so long because of the two little ones sharing it with each other but it was a great Christmas present to me! If the last medicine we tried didn't work I was going to wonder if we'd ever get rid of it! She started with two teeth when we met her and now has 16 and I think most of them sprouted so quickly once she was home.

Samira is still a star sleeper and rarely has any issue in the night or going down. She naps every day except when she thinks she had a nap but it was only 5 minutes in the car. She continues to be amazing on low sleep if she's missed a nap or had a very short one. I think she could never be the first one down because from what I hear, she won't go to sleep until the house is quiet. It's like she doesn't want to miss anything and makes sure the party has died down. She likes sleeping with her blankie and little baby. She'll tuck that little thing down under the blanket with her. She will ask her daddy to rock her before he puts her to bed. Monday through Friday I usually have to wake her up to go pick up Harlyn and she continues to snap awake lightning fast and usually has to say something. For a while she'd take inventory of who was home and who was awake etc. She'll usually croak out a "hi" or "go bye bye" or "Haryin". I feel so bad waking her up but she does always wake up happy even if it wasn't long. She has gotten better waking up happy on her own. Sometimes she even plays around but mostly doesn't even wail any more, just kind of whines. A lot of times she's whining and groaning for "daaaaaaaaddy".


Samira continues to be most excited about the next meal and will run and slide into her highchair lickety split when we say it's ready. She eats oatmeal almost everyday for breakfast still. Her pickiness is lessening I think. She seems to have figured out that she won't get dessert...etc. if she doesn't eat the vegetable so she's less stubborn about not taking a bite. She'll always be hanging around or taking handouts of someone is in the kitchen or cooking. (or grandma or Aunt Meg are around) The holidays were great for her when numerous people unknowingly would share or pass something down to her. Her favorites are meat, spaghetti, yogurt, cheese, fruit, oatmeal and dislikes vegetables other than sweet potato, most forms of potatoes (except French fried), certain noodles, and rice. Lately we are making progress on raw carrots, some green beans and broccoli with out so much coercion as before. She has learned to ask politely we ask her to or it will come out as a grumbly whine.

Samira seems to genuinely love us and I say that humbly because sometimes I can't believe she does what I consider is "so easily". I know in the beginning we had to fight for it but what I see in her is a resilient girl who overcame so much to be such a happy personality. In my unprofessional opinion, she is totally at home with us and does not hold back from us. This is no small thing and we praise God for this! On the day our case worker came to see us (first time since our first week home) she got to see Samira run to her daddy when he came in. Our case worker knew what a drastic change this was from our first weeks home. I would say when we both are home Samira almost favors Troy too now. I think she knows he's the relief for me so she goes to him for what she needs like getting down from her high chair or a drink. I would say we have no concerns about this currently. She's an Avery and that's that!

Sibling Relationships
Samira has learned so much from her siblings and we have them to thank for all her progress this year. On the many snow days this winter there would be long chunks of time when I didn't see the kids--they'd just be so busy playing with Harlyn and Asher leading the pack. Most of the time they do play nicely but there are occasional skirmishes usually involving Lawson. I still catch him doing not so nice things to her and I think mostly it's him wanting something she has or him just overpowering her. We are working on that! It's been a tough year on Lawson but now that he's potty trained he thinks he is quite superior in age and skill. Hopefully that will someday translate into protectiveness rather than competition. Samira I think knows Asher is the weak one and tries to command him around like when she wants to be unbuckled or wants something he can give to her. He is the pleaser who will do what she says and think she's cute for wanting him.

Going out
Our 2 year old loves going "bye bye" and is always eager to get her shoes or coat. She still likes to be first in the car or first in the house or she whines or panics. Even though she's woken up almost every weekday to get Harlyn she's always happy to jump in the car for the most part. Samira does great at BSF and church nursery and doesn't cry going in. We may owe them money for snacks because I'm pretty sure she eats her fair share while there.

The time Samira plays alone or away from us has increased and her interest in toys is getting better. If I am cooking dinner she still likes to be right under foot in the kitchen (usually with loud musical toys). She likes to be near the other kids and probably wouldn't choose to play alone or in a room by herself but she will follow them to the basement all the time. She likes the play kitchen and her tea cart as well as any other things she can push. She likes her babies and really just tries to play whatever the big kids are.

Dancing, Baby shark, meal time, attention, singing/dancing, shoes, taking off her socks, her little baby (that one specifically), glasses or sunglasses
Favorite songs: baby shark, Holy, Holy, Holy, I put on my glasses, Good Morning God, recently discovered We will rock you--she really has good tune too!

being thrown up in the air, being left behind (slower than the rest), sharing something she considers hers like bags etc, being tilted back (ab workouts)

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