Saturday, November 4, 2017

Big day Monday

We have been asked so much lately about progress on our case, which is so sweet of our dear friends to keep up with the latest news. It means so much to us that you think and pray for us often. For a few months there we really wanted to give more news than we had. Ethiopian courts closed for rainy season August-October, but are now reopened. We didn't hear much during that time and didn't expect to. Now though, we have a big day on November 6th! This is a court date happening for our case, but we don't have to attend. Many other things relating to our case are happening then that will either progress our case forward or not. We are praying for all details and logistics to work out so that the time Samira has to spend in an orphanage is not prolonged. We ask all our friends and family to do the same. It has definitely been a test of trusting in God and His timing over the last 6 months particularly. We have full confidence God will bring this to completion in His perfect timing.  She is growing up in pictures so quickly, it's hard to miss this precious time of her life. If you think of it, please pray for our case Monday. (Ethiopia is 6 hours ahead of our time) I will try to update promptly when we hear any news!

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