Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Samira Turns 2!

On November 9, Samira turned two and we celebrated with a party with our families. Our immediate family tradition is to throw a big 1st birthday party-even though it was her 2nd, it was her first with us so she got a shin dig.

We greet the birthday kid with balloons and singing "happy birthday". Samira had pancakes for breakfast.

 She loves "pretty" things and loves carrying bags and purses around so we had a "Two Fancy" party. It was a fun night and she didn't mind the cupcake or the spotlight AT ALL. She hasn't caught on to opening presents yet but she had plenty of help.

Standing on the coffee table amongst her admirers and loving it-in this situation we call her Queen Candace

Turning two had us reflecting a lot on how far Samira has come since we met her. We brought home this baby who drank bottles and couldn't walk and now turning two she is a ham who runs around with the other kids acting just as silly. We really see how resilient and strong she is to overcome her world being turned upside down in the last 8 months. Despite all the change she is able to laugh, play, and be affectionate toward us.
At two she has probably over 40 words, is very picky with anything healthy, sleeps great, takes 1 nap a day, likes getting her way, loves her "Memaw", favorite book is Snuggle Puppy, copies EVERYTHING, hates ab workouts, loves attention from her family, and very good greeter-saying "hi" and "bye" to people.
Just two days before her birthday Samira had a day at the salon and had her hair done. She seemed like quite the big girl and sat so nicely for April, a friend from BSF. April kindly showed me how to do her hair and what products to use! It takes a long time but sure looks good when it's done! Samira was so big sitting in the chair the whole 45 minutes.  (she might sit twice as long as long as she had a sucker)
How exciting to see what the next year will hold for Samira, in growth, abilities, speech....many things we probably can't imagine. We are thankful to God for choosing us to be her parents and to get to see Him work in her life.